Dear Friends,
D’Angelico Guitars is helping to raise awareness and funds for Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma relief efforts. These hurricanes have caused widespread, catastrophic flooding and life-threatening damage to entire communities. Through the Red Cross, this fund will provide relief to survivors in the form of emergency supplies like food, water, and medicine in addition to longer-term assistance to help residents recover and rebuild. All donations to this fund will exclusively support relief and recovery efforts from these storms. For every $10 donation, you will be automatically entered to win a D’Angelico Excel SS in Vintage Sunburst. You may donate/enter as many times as you like, and D’Angelico will match a percentage of the total donations. Please join us in helping to make a difference.
Donate here.
Please share this message and link to help us raise awareness about this fundraiser.
Thank you,
The D’Angelico Guitars Family